Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear Advice Columnist

preface: I recognize the first world nature of this problem and I am truly thankful that I have a job.

The short of it:

I have very little work to do. I need to look busy for the next three months before I quit my job. How do I do this in a cubicle with not much privacy? Any suggestions for keeping sane?

The long of it:

My boss isn't very good at using me as an assistant and I am not sure what to do. She is somewhat sour. She gives me only menial tasks which I happily do. When I offer my help, she looks annoyed. Hell, when I peek into her office to say hello, she looks annoyed. She has a bit of a martyr complex and works long hours and does everything herself. I have always approached her in a friendly way saying, "If you need any help with anything, I'm up to date," with a smile. She sort of stares/glares at me which makes me uncomfortable and even more smiley. It's very disconcerting. After her annoyance became very obvious, I stopped coming to her looking for more work because I could tell it bothers her and I worry it might hurt me to bring attention to it. She once asked me if I'd mind helping out in another department and I told her I would be happy to help anyone. So far, nada.

I have happily done everything I am ever assigned. I have a few regular responsibilities that I complete religiously. I keep the office perfectly stocked with copies of everything at the ready. I have taken it upon myself to clear out lots of backed up files. I can take an afternoon to organize a binder until it's pristine. HR has never had such perfect records. Her non feedback makes me second guess myself all the time.

I am not eligible for any maternity leave and I think she may correctly suspect I am not coming back. I know that the last two people in my position didn't do very well. Both were fired for insubordination. Cue scary music. In the beginning, I though that maybe she had bad assistants before but once she realized I was smart and really worked, she would use me more. That has not happened. I need to ride this out until July. I keep telling myself, "Seven more pay checks," as a mantra. It isn't the worst job ever but it is really boring for me.

I have a cube with a screen that faces the hallway and she can see my back. Our internet usage is probably monitored and many sites are blocked. I can't read books or play on my phone.

Right now I keep a few files open. I read old resumes. I read HR articles. I create insane amounts of supporting documents. I pee hourly. I write grocery lists, baby name lists, nursery ideas, poems, anything. I do any and all work that comes in. I try to do it methodically and not too fast. Until this job, I've been so used to being overworked and being recognized as a really hard worker. This strange invisibility sucks. Maybe I am expecting too much. I really like to be busy and it bums me out that I am not. I am over the recognition part. So what the hell do I do? Any suggestions?