How far along are you? 11 weeks
How big is baby? a lime. Doesn't that sound big?
Weight gain/loss? No clue until the doctor weighs me
Stretch marks? same
Maternity clothes? I bought pants and a dress a Target. I'll need them soon enough.
Best moment this week? I am going to look at baby furniture today.
Gender? my feeling has been boy but I don't care either way.
Movement? no but I've had some odd cramps on my sides.
Belly button? The same.
Symptoms? Breast pain, itchiness, swelling and anything else that can happen to a breast. General ickiness and still very tired.
Cravings? Fruit and carbs, Coca-cola and Dr. Pepper
What do I miss? feeling pretty
What I'm looking forward to this week? Feeling a bit better every day. Oh, and I'll tell my book club on the weekend.
Milestones? Today I have 200 days left in this pregnancy. That seems doable.