Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ten Weeks/31 years

I turned 31 yesterday. I didn't eat cake or celebrate. Billy worked a late shift so we had the whole morning. He made me breakfast and shoveled the driveway and sidewalk. I wasn't allowed to help. I went to my Mom's for the afternoon. I rocked my nephew and cooed at him. I watched him get so excited he laughed little belly laughs. My sister gave ma a beautiful baby wrap. I napped. I ate some real food and I went home. Billy brought me sparkling grape juice and we watched an episode of Bones and fell asleep on the couch. It was a great birthday despite making a terrible story.

I felt strong and happy all day. I was surrounded by love and fun. The dogs and cats all visited me and slept on my lap. I felt lucky all day long.

How far along are you?
10 weeks
How big is baby? A prune. Gross.
Weight gain/loss? About the same as last week
Stretch marks? Same ole, same ole
Maternity clothes? Not yet but I think I should buy some soon
Best moment this week? having my birthday and closing the book on the past year
Gender? I go back and forth. For the first time, I think it might be a girl. Also the heartbeat was a girl heart beat. I got my old wives tales wrong.
Movement? not for another couple months. I can feel something internal if I bend over. It's a new presence.
Belly button? The same.
Symptoms? Feeling so much better this past week. I can stay up past 8pm and I often enjoy food.
Cravings? sour and vinegar things like pickles, lemons and vinaigrettes.
What do I miss? warm weather
What I'm looking forward to this week? just moving forward
Milestones? 25% there!