At 38 weeks pregnant, I don't feel like I am about to have a baby. I can't even grasp it. It's beyond my comprehension.
It's coming though. It may come sooner rather than later. My due date is August 13th and the doctors want to induce me around then. My gestational diabetes means I won't be able to carry the baby past 40 weeks.
So any time in the next two weeks, I could go into labor on my own or I could be induced when I hit my due date. There is a finish line in sight.
She is huge and fills my whole stomach now. She moves in rolls and waves and pressed hard against me. I have some cramping, some braxton hicks contractions and some pelvic pain. I know that these are signs that she is coming but I still don't feel like it will happen soon. I feel like I will make it to my due date and get induced. I really want to labor on my own but I am ready if that doesn't happen.
I am so in love with her I think. I don't know her or anything about her but I can tell I will be smitten.